GIlda's Club Metro Detroit - An Affiliate of the Cancer Support Community
Gilda’s Club is a place where men, women and children whose lives have been touched by cancer, as well as their families and friends can feel they are part of a welcoming community of support. Since 1998, more than 10,000 individuals and families have visited the Gilda’s Clubhouse in Royal Oak or one of our offsite locations with hospital partners around metro Detroit. Today they have more than 10,000 members.
How It All Started
Gilda’s Club comes from the original cast members from Saturday Night Live, Gilda Radner. Throughout Gilda’s time on the show, she created a number of enduring characters, including Roseanne Roseannadanna, Emily Litella and Lisa Loopner. Laughter and love were central themes of Gilda’s career and life, including in her marriage to actor and comedian Gene Wilder.
Gilda was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1985. She said that having cancer gave her membership in an elite club she’d rather not belong to. She passed away in 1989, but her legacy lived on when her husband and friends established Gilda’s Club and the first red door opened in New York City.
In 1993 eight women, all facing cancer themselves or with a loved one started to explore something, anything in metro Detroit to ease the path. They came across an important effort in New York to honor Gilda Radner. In 1998 these eight courageous women opened the doors to the permanent home in metro Detroit.

Pictured above, the founders:
Front row left to right: Sherry Medsker, Maureen Martinez, Jackie Grekin, Carol Silverman.
Back row left to right: Geri Lester, Ina Kadish, Gilda’s Representative, Bernice Gadon, Marsha Gershenson.
Image from Gilda’s Club Metro Detroit Website
How To Donate!
From 10/22 - 10/24 - portion of proceeds donated

From 10/22 – 10/24 by purchasing any amount of Sweet Spot Vegan Edibles & Social Vape cartridges, a portion will be donated to the Gilda’s Club Metro Detroit!!
If you are unable to make a purchase, you can also visit their website OR Click Here to donate to the foundation!!