#BettyWhiteChallange – Breeze Donates to Local Animal Shelters

Breeze donates to local charities in honor of betty white


We are saddened by the recent passing of Betty White. On her behalf and for the #bettywhitechallenge the Clarity team will be making donations to two local animal shelters from our provisioning centers!⁠

With our provisioning centers located in Hazel Park and Battle Creek, the team will be donating to :

  • Hazel Park Animal Control Shelter ⁠
  • Calhoun County Animal Control Center
Why should you adopt? 
  1. You could save an animals life!
  2. Have a life long friend and companion!
  3. No third option is needed to consider adopting!

hazel park animal control shelter

Located at 24211 Couzens Ave, Hazel Park, MI 48030


Learn more HERE, on how you could adopt an animal! 


Or Head to their Facebook, HERE, to learn what animals are at the shelter and to communicate if an animal is lost/found in and around the Hazel Park Area.


Head to Calhoun County Animal Center’s website for more information on how adopt, donate, volunteer, etc! 

The items that they are most in need of are as follows: bleach, cat litter, small fleece blankets, dog/puppy food, cat/kitten food, paper towels, money for medical treatment, HE laundry soap and dish liquid.
You can apply for adoption both in person of online at this link: HERE 

CLICK HERE to head to their website! OR Head to their Facebook – HERE

Calhoun County Animal Center’s Location – 165 Union Street S, Battle Creek, MI 49014

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